Christian Quintin

Christian Quintin was born in Saint Brieuc, a town on the Northern coast of Brittany, France. He attended the Beaux Arts Academy in Paris before moving to the United States in 1981. Right now, Christian lives in Northern California and recently published his first book of poems.
“I create oils and pastel paintings as well as pen and ink and graphite drawings, alternating between mediums; like in music, each piece calls for its own instrument. My work addresses consciousness, what I see or feel, have seen or felt. As in a kaleidoscope, each plane is ubiquitous with ever-changing boundaries. I also paint or draw oneness, love, and romantic landscapes.”
“I wish my art to be seen as one would read poetry, hopeful that one would wander into its imagery. I do not have a message but feel compelled to convey the feelings that flow through me as I attempt to create something beautiful. My work escapes time and space while expressing the spirit that I share with a river or a tree.”
Christian’s pen and ink drawings, oils, and pastel paintings have been exhibited in multiple solo and group shows, in galleries and museums including the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento. Christian was represented by the famed Vorpal Gallery in San Francisco and New York, which gave his first U.S. show to M.C. Escher. He has also been the recipient of numerous public and private commissions.
