Yam Shalev
Yam Shalev is a painter based in Berlin, Germany, originally from Tel Aviv, Israel. This new painting style came as a complete surprise. At first, he was exploring some post-digital direction combined with his hyper-realistic main training in exploration in a digital dimension. He is trying to get as personal and authentic as possible when painting.
"Nowadays, I am trying to expand the narrative and the space of my paintings as much as I can. Obviously, I am still giving color and voice to what's playing a role in my life and inspiring/influencing me. But I would love to slowly provide a stage for more scenes from my everyday life. The food is the most personal thing I can always imagine ppl and a stage for more scenes from my everyday life. The food is the most personal thing I can always imagine ppl and scenarios through, but not only. And hopefully, I'll be able to show it in our upcoming show together at Lorin's."
"That would be my self-portrait, my home" Yam Shalev 2022. Acrylic on Canvas 130 x 120 cm

"Untitled" Yam Shalev 2022. Acrylic, on Canvas 150 x 110 cm
"Untitled" Yam Shalev 2022. Oil, Acrylic, Pastel on Canvas 90 x 90 cm