Suanjaya Kencut
09.02.2022 --- 10.01.2022
Downtown LA Gallery

Unlimited Frames Suanjaya Kencut displays 14 works of "In Frame Series" paintings, inspired by the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic which forced most people to live in a home or a room. Living within the limits that make it far from normal, confined to an indefinite period of time. Exploring knowledge to survive amid uncertainty with the hope to quickly return to normal. Speechless, a work that describes the condition of many people when finally reunited with relatives who have long been lost from sight. All in Home portraying something crowded, as if it has no space, and the desire to get out from it. I don't know what to say, but I can't imagine being under the same roof with them. Kencut describes the boundary as a colored frame, not monotonous color like the shadows of the void above. The boundaries look terrible but also leave traces of harmony between individuals who usually don't see each other as stated in the paintings with the titles Tell a Story, Once Upon a Time and Look Carefully. Many stories are finally engraved thanks to the real barriers between individuals. Individuals who initially did not value interpersonal interactions are now faced with a big wall so that they really miss greetings, touches, and jokes. The presence of people around is very warm in the midst of an invisible storm, until unconsciously changing the feeling of a house or frame that was initially very sickening and wanted to be quickly left behind, becomes a feeling of gratitude for being there as a shelter and carving out unlimited experiences. Unlimited Frames.
There are also 25 paintings in A Thousand Star Series featuring close-ups of different faces using spray paint techniques, exploring different techniques from his previous work. Adopting a pointillist style, the figures appear borderless. He likens this visual experience to gazing at a sea of stars, and each point represents an element of the vast universe. If social isolation drives Kencut to reconnect with humans and the world other than humans, then a deep sense of oneness with all of this has paved the way to a more profound sense of spirituality. A hope, a feeling of gratitude, and millions of people being ready to live a better life are reflected in the paintings of this series.